The Easiest Chocolate Dipping Sauce… EVER (plus a Recipe for Chocolate Pots).

100% Pure Glorious Filth

I’ll let you in on a little secret, Ogglers. It’s not a secret that came from me – I stole it from the Marvellous Wizard of Baking that is Beardy – but it’s one that’ll keep you happy and round ’til the end of your days (thank you, Beardy!).

All you need is a saucepan, a source of heat, and equal portions of double cream and chocolate. That’s it. When you have all four of these in your possession, get ready to make CHOCOLATE DIPPING SAUCE. It won’t take long.

For three greedy people to have an incredibly greedy time, I’d advise about 150g of choc to 150ml of cream. To convince yourself you’re being (almost) healthy, make the chocolate nice and dark. If that doesn’t take your fancy, it’d work just as well with milk chocolate too…

Bring the cream to a gentle simmer and add the broken-up chocolate, stirring the whole way through (with a wooden spoon) so nothing burns. When the sauce is smooth and all the chocolate is melted (it’ll be quite quick), then STOP, take off the heat, and decant the mixture into a bowl/vase/shoe – whatever you want to dip into.

Yesterday, we scooped up the sauce with chocolate mini doughnuts. A more indulgent feast you’d be hard to find (or stop yourself eating, if you’re like me). Still, should the humble doughnut not take your fancy, you can always double the health factor by dipping fruit – or get even more depraved by dunking brownie squares, pretzels, or ready salted crisps (trust me, folks: that last one can be a real treat).

I warn you, however: this sauce is extremely rich, so it might not take long for your stomach to grind to a halt. Should you happen to find yourself that way afflicted, DON’T PANIC! Because here comes Beardy’s masterstroke: when left to set in the fridge, the sauce magically transforms into an AWESOME CHOCOLATE POT, which you can eat with a spoon at your leisure (i.e. as soon as your stomach has recovered).

Two puddings for the price of one?! Beardy, the Pud-Hog salutes you.


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